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Working & comparing the top UK trusted energy suppliers

Working & comparing the top UK trusted energy suppliers

Why use Prime business energy to compare and switch your business energy?

As a business owner, you’ll know all about the importance of keeping costs down and appreciate the value of getting a good deal. The energy experts at Prime Energy for Business can help you with both by helping you keep costs down with a better deal on business gas and electricity.

Trusted & experienced

Prime business energy for Business is a trusted and Ofgem accredited energy comparison site. We have helped thousands of businesses save time and money when switching.

We work with trusted suppliers

We work with trusted a panel of trusted suppliers to ensure you get quality service and competitive rates on energy, insurance, finance, phone and broadband.

Our UK-based team is on hand to help

Our UK-based team will help you compare suppliers and talk you through the quotes to make sure you find the right deal for your business.

Save time and money, every time

When the time is right for you to switch and save again, we can proactively compare deals and take care of it all for you, leaving you to take care of business.

How Prime business energy comparison works

Just enter your business address and we'll use industry data to accurately find and understand your energy usage.

We find your details

One of our UK-based experts will search our supplier panel and give you a call to talk you through the results on screen.

We talk through your quotes

With all the information to hand, you choose the deal that best suits your business and we'll handle the switch for you.

You choose the deal you want

Your comparison is free.

If you decide to switch, we’ll be paid a commission by the new supplier that is included in the prices we quote.

You're probably


  • Why use Prime Energy to compare and switch your business energy?
    As a business owner, you’ll know all about the importance of keeping costs down and appreciate the value of getting a good deal. The energy experts at Prime Energy for Business can help you with both by helping you keep costs down with a better deal on business gas and electricity.
  • Trusted & experienced
    Prime Energy for Business is a trusted and Ofgem accredited energy comparison site. We have helped thousands of businesses save time and money when switching.
  • We work with trusted suppliers
    We work with trusted a panel of trusted suppliers to ensure you get quality service and competitive rates on energy, insurance, finance, phone and broadband.
  • Our UK-based team is on hand to help
    Our UK-based team will help you compare suppliers and talk you through the quotes to make sure you find the right deal for your business.
  • Save time and money, every time
    When the time is right for you to switch and save again, we can proactively compare deals and take care of it all for you, leaving you to take care of business.
  • Why compare business energy prices with Prime Energy for Business?
    When you run your own business, it's important to keep your costs low without compromising the quality of your products or services. Running a price comparison and switching energy suppliers is a simple and effective way to do this. We compare commercial gas and electricity deals from big-name business energy suppliers as well as smaller providers to find the right one for your business. We only need your postcode to start an energy comparison. We use smart industry data to cut the time it takes to compare deals. Our experts will talk you through your quotes to make sure you fully understand what's on offer. When you've switched energy with us, we'll proactively search for a new deal at your next renewal. This means you never need to worry about when your switching window opens and will never overpay for energy again.
  • How do business energy suppliers get on our panel?
    Although price is important, there's more to switching energy than getting a cut-price commercial tariff. You expect a certain level of reliability and customer service, and that’s why suppliers have to meet the following conditions before they can get on our panel: Share our values of reliability, trust, and expertise to make sure you get the best level of service. Have a commitment to putting customers first. Offer competitive rates. Make your renewal as smooth as possible. We work closely with our suppliers to build relationships. This means we can get access to exclusive deals and offer you the best possible service at the best possible price.
  • How to compare business energy quotes
    Whatever shape your business takes, it depends on energy to operate. Your business electricity and gas costs might even represent a significant proportion of your operation’s outgoings, so it’s crucial to make sure that you’re getting the best possible deal on energy. But getting to grips with your business energy costs isn't always easy, so we’re going to show you how to get the best business energy deal to help cut your gas and electricity bills. Before you can start comparing offers from different business energy suppliers, it’s important to make sure you’re familiar with the features of a commercial energy tariff.
  • What’s the difference between domestic and business energy?
    One of the main differences between domestic and business energy is the terms by which each set of customers are bound. Domestic customers can switch tariffs at any point during their contract, although they may be charged an early exit fee. On the other hand, as a business energy customer, you won’t be able to change business energy suppliers until you’re within your renewal window. The renewal window typically comes into effect between one and six months before the end of your current contract. Another big difference is that while domestic customers can simply pick from a range of off-the-shelf energy tariffs, things are a little trickier for business energy customers. To change your company’s energy deal, you’ll need to approach each supplier individually for a bespoke quote. This gives businesses the advantage of securing deals that are tailored to their individual needs. The flip side is that the only way to know whether you’re being offered a competitive business energy deal is to ring around each supplier to compare rates. That's why it makes sense to use an expert business energy broker to do the hard work for you.
Why compare business energy prices with Prime business energy for business?

When you run your own business, it's important to keep your costs low without compromising the quality of your products or services. Running a price comparison and switching energy suppliers is a simple and effective way to do this.


We compare commercial gas and electricity deals from big-name business energy suppliers as well as smaller providers to find the right one for your business.


We only need your postcode to start an energy comparison. We use smart industry data to cut the time it takes to compare deals. Our experts will talk you through your quotes to make sure you fully understand what's on offer.


When you've switched energy with us, we'll proactively search for a new deal at your next renewal. This means you never need to worry about when your switching window opens and will never overpay for energy again.

How do business energy suppliers get on our panel?

We work closely with our suppliers to build relationships. This means we can get access to exclusive deals and offer you the best possible service at the best possible price.

Offer competitive rates.

Make your renewal as smooth as possible.

Have a commitment to putting customers first.

Share our values of reliability, trust, and expertise to make sure you get the best level of service.

Although price is important, there's more to switching energy than getting a cut-price commercial tariff. You expect a certain level of reliability and customer service, and that’s why suppliers have to meet the following conditions before they can get on our panel:

How to compare business energy quotes

Whatever shape your business takes, it depends on energy to operate. Your business electricity and gas costs might even represent a significant proportion of your operation’s outgoings, so it’s crucial to make sure that you’re getting the best possible deal on energy.


But getting to grips with your business energy costs isn't always easy, so we’re going to show you how to get the best business energy deal to help cut your gas and electricity bills.


Before you can start comparing offers from different business energy suppliers, it’s important to make sure you’re familiar with the features of a commercial energy tariff.

What’s the difference between domestic and business energy?

One of the main differences between domestic and business energy is the terms by which each set of customers are bound. Domestic customers can switch tariffs at any point during their contract, although they may be charged an early exit fee. On the other hand, as a business energy customer, you won’t be able to change business energy suppliers until you’re within your renewal window. The renewal window typically comes into effect between one and six months before the end of your current contract.


Another big difference is that while domestic customers can simply pick from a range of off-the-shelf energy tariffs, things are a little trickier for business energy customers. To change your company’s energy deal, you’ll need to approach each supplier individually for a bespoke quote. This gives businesses the advantage of securing deals that are tailored to their individual needs. The flip side is that the only way to know whether you’re being offered a competitive business energy deal is to ring around each supplier to compare rates. That's why it makes sense to use an expert business energy broker to do the hard work for you.

As you’ve probably gathered by now, the process of switching business energy suppliers can be time consuming. As a result, many busy business owners are on the wrong energy tariff for their needs.

Prime business energy for Business can take the leg work out of individually obtaining quotes by doing it on your behalf. As one of the UK’s leading energy comparison sites for business, we can offer you essential, expert advice to help you compare business energy quotes for both your company’s electricity and gas needs.

To find out more, enter your postcode at the top of the page or give us a call on 01772 286116

Why switch energy with Prime business energy for Business?

A common mistake that many businesses make is taking the cheapest deal offered to them. In some cases, this may also be the best fit for your business, but choosing the cheapest tariff can sometimes leave you with unsatisfactory service. When comparing business energy quotes, it’s important to properly assess each offer to make sure the one you choose properly satisfies the needs of your business rather than simply offering a knockdown price. Using an energy comparison site for business can help you to do this.

Is the cheapest energy deal the best energy deal?

Remember, you can only start to compare energy deals once your current contract has entered its switching window. Your supplier should send you a renewal offer once this window has opened, but never accept this offer without first running an energy comparison as renewal rates are rarely the most competitive. Another reason to let Uswitch for Business handle the switch is that we'll keep an eye on when your renewal is due and proactively compare prices on your behalf. This will save you even more time and money, and mean you'll never need to worry about overpaying for energy again.

  1. Give us your postcode and we'll use smart data to get your meter number and usage data

  2. Our experts compare deals from a range of suppliers and talk you through them on a call

  3. You choose the deal that best suits your needs and budget, and we'll take care of the switch

We can compare and switch business energy in just three simple steps with Uswitch for Business.

How to compare business energy suppliers

Deemed rate tariffs work on 28-day rolling terms that come into effect if you fail to formally agree a new contract with your supplier before your current deal ends. Deemed rate contracts charge inflated rates, but you can switch from these more costly tariffs by giving just 28 days notice.

Deemed rate tariff 

This type of tariff splits your business energy bills so that things like Transmission Network Use of System (TNUoS) charges, National Grid levies and Feed-in Tariff charges are billed separately to your unit rates and standing charges.

Pass through tariffs

If your business is energy intensive, it can use a flex approach tariff to buy bulk electricity in advance. This tariff comes with a risk that your contract will be up for renewal at a time when prices are high.

Flex approach tariffs

This is the most common type of business energy deal and the best way to protect against energy price hikes. Unit rates are agreed in advance with your supplier and are locked in for the duration of the contract. Supplier's usually keep their most competitive prices for fixed deals. Even son, it's worth comparing business electricity prices before you sign up with a supplier, as you may find a cheaper fix elsewhere. 

Fixed rate tariff 
What types of business energy tariff are available?

If you work from home or run your business from home, you may not necessarily need a business energy deal. But, in some instances, you might find that a microbusiness energy deal works better for you than a domestic one. This is because rates are often cheaper on business energy deals.

If you want to switch to a commercial energy contract, you'll need to prove that you work from home and that more than half of your energy usage is for business purposes. This means that appliances that would be running regardless of whether you run your business from home, such as fridges and freezers, won't count towards your total usage figure.

Do I need a business energy deal when working from home?
What if I run a large business?

If you run a large business or an energy-intensive operation, your energy demands will differ from other types of businesses. That's why we have a team dedicated to finding the best deals for those businesses that use more than 200,000 kWh of gas or 55,000 kWh of electricity each year. 

If your business has a maximum demand of 100kW or greater in any half-hour period, then it must have a half-hourly meter installed by law. If your business has a maximum demand of 70kW or more, it can also opt to have a half-hourly electric meter installed. If you have any questions about large business energy, give us a call on 01772 286116.

Business energy suppliers don’t package gas and electricity together. This means that you must get separate business energy quotes for each fuel and secure them under separate contracts.

Do business energy tariffs offer a dual fuel option?
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